Servicing a wide range of industries we have experience operating across Australia and South East Asia with project involvement from Lao PDR, Papua New Guinea and most states and territories within Australia.
Diverse Ecology has experience in operating within International and National environmental legislation including;
IFC Biodiversity Protocols;
ADB Environmental Assessment Guidelines;
NSW Environmental Legislation;
Commonwealth Environmental Legislation;
Diverse Ecology is a proven performer experienced in offering the following services;
Flora and Fauna surveys;
Impact assessment;
Review of Environmental Factors REF;
GIS Habitat Mapping and Analysis;
Species Impact Statements;
Vertebrate Pest survey and management;
Fauna Identification, and
Environmental Management.
Specialist Microbat Surveys
Diverse Ecology has been involved in specialist microbat studies across NSW, Northern Territory and other regions across Australia and PNG as part of baseline biodiversity studies.
Fawn Leaf-nosed Bat, Hiipposideros cervinus, Photo Diverse Ecology
Baseline Biodiversity Surveys
Baseline biodiversity surveys for proposed new sand mine.
Drift fence with reptile funnel traps and pitfall traps for fauna sampling in arid zone.
Biodiversity Baseline surveys
Baseline specialist fauna surveys for hydro electric feasibility study in Papua New Guinea
Gulf Province PNG photo Diverse Ecology